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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

FTC Announces New Initiative Against Identity Theft

Identity theft doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. It’s so mainstream that the U.S. Federal Trade Commission has reported it to be the number one consumer complaint of 2014. And by the looks of how things are going this year, it’s an issue that continues to be among the top threats faced by American citizens. But this is a matter the FTC is taking very seriously. The organization recently announced the creation of a new investigative unit whose sole purpose will be to better protect consumers and their personal information from identity breaches.

In an official statement made on March 23rd, the Federal Trade Commission acknowledged that the rise in technology has made way for a plethora of identity-related crimes. To combat this, they announced the formation of the Bureau of Consumer Protection’s Office of Technology Research and Investigation, the “newest initiative to help ensure that consumers enjoy the benefits of technological progress without being placed at risk of deceptive and unfair practices.” Referred to as the “next generation in consumer protection,” the FTC states that this new group will replace the current Mobile Technology Unit, which, as The Verge reports, was created as a means to help safeguard children from deceptive mobile apps and to oversee other smartphone-centric topics.
The inspiration behind the newly minted OTRI is the need for keeping up with the ever-changing technological advances in new consumer products. As devices such a cars and smartphones become outfitted with new features, identity thieves are able to find new ways to hack into consumer information and use it for their own agendas. According to the agency, the FTC plans to use their new organization to branch out to help protect consumer interest across every facet of technology, including such things as: privacy, data security, connected cars, smart homes, algorithmic transparency, emerging payment methods, big data, and the “Internet of things.”
One of the first steps involved in getting the new group off of the ground is the recruitment of skilled technologists to join the taskforce. The Federal Trade Commission recently took to their official government website to advertise for a variety of new positions they are looking to fill within the OTRI, including members to fill a Technology Policy Research Fellowship, a full-time Research Coordinator, and interns for its existing Technology Research Internship Program. In addition, the blog, which is currently manned by Chief Technologist Ashkan Soltani, will be undergoing some changes. “The creation of this new office presents a great opportunity to expand Tech@FTC to include the broader technical community within the Commission,” explains Soltani. “Soon, invited FTC staff, including members of OTRI will guest blog about technical research findings and technology related issues affecting consumers.” This will be a great tool for consumers to use in keeping up with the latest advisories about protecting their identity while using various personal devices.
The creation of this new division of the Federal Trade Commission is yet another step the government is taking in the fight against identity theft. “We believe OTRI will be an instrumental source for research and information on technology’s impact on consumers,” said Soltani in a recent FTC blog post. According to Slash Gear, the FTC is moving quickly to get the office up and running. Applications for the newly created job positions must be sent in by April 3rd and plans to begin the OTRI’s duties will unfold shortly after.